Paste #45262: Untitled Paste

Date: 2017/10/28 00:02:08 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: command 
  debug: false 
  name: rules
  description: rules
  usage: /rules
    - choose <context.args.get[1]||null>: 
      - case help: 
        - inject locally path:help
      - default: 
        - inject locally path:help
      - case rule1: 
        - inject locally path:rule1
      - case rule2: 
        - inject locally path:rule1
      - case rule3:
        - inject locally path:rule3
    - narrate "<&l><&4>------ MC-PRISON Rules ------"
    - narrate "<&c><&l> 1. NO HACKING!"
    - narrate "<&c><&l> 2. NO ABUSING GLITCHES!"
    - narrate "<&c><&l> 3. SCAMMING IS ALLOWED!"
    - narrate "<&f><&l> Type '/rules rule#' for more info!"
    - narrate "<&f><&l>-----Example: /rules rule2------"
    - narrate "<&l><&4>-----------------------------"
    - narrate "<&c><&1>1. NO HACKING: <&f><&l>Xray(including texture packs), Forcefield, Reach, Kill Aura, Auto Clickers, Flying, or Speed Hacks are NOT allowed!"
    - narrate "<&c><&l>2. NO ABUSING GLITCHES: <&f><&l>Any dupe glitches, exploits, or game breaking bugs MUST be reported to a Staff Member Immediately. Abusing them will get you banned!"
    - narrate "<&c><&l>3. SCAMMING IS ALLOWED! <&f><&l>Except when it involves Trading for items in the store ( Example: 'I'll buy you 20 crates in exchange for your ultra'"